Monday, March 27, 2017

Fast and Furious: the Mission edition

Title credit: my daughter/ex companion Sister Doig. Long story but I'm no longer with Sister Doig :( Found out this morning and it's just me and Sister Tolo running the show in Bankstown. Yaaaa, I'm pretty sad not gonna lie. But the mission is all about change, you can't get too comfortable, otherwise there's no growth. So it's all goods! She's now re-opening an area for Sisters in the Shire called Sutherland! She's going to smash it, I have so much faith in her. She was trained to do hard things!

Now, let me tell you a story. The only reason why I'm writing about this is because Sister Doig will tell her mom and her mom will tell my mom, and my mom will freak out probably and call President haha. Anyways...

So this is about one of our Less Actives, lets call her Stacey, for safety reasons. And she got kicked out of her flat by her flatmate and the flatmate started smashing her TV and laptop so Stacey is homeless and then calls us to meet her to help her out because she has no other friends. We come and meet her on the side of the street and we see her on the phone with the cops. So the cops then comes and goes arrest the flatmate, while we wait. Then the PARTNER of the flatmate drives over to us and pulls over swearing a storm at us, threatening, and getting violent. So we call our Zone Leader and say, "So this is happening right now, can we get out of here with our less active in our car?" (because it's against the rules to drive other people in our car, yes we were obedient even in an emergency haha) So we run to our car and the guy starts driving down towards us. And right when I was about to leave HE SWERVES OVER IN FRONT OF US AND TRAPS US IN! Yep. I thought he hit us, but nah Heavenly Father's hand went right in between our cars and was like, "Nah, not my missionaries sir!" so right when he was about to get out and hit our car, I back up swerve around and do a U turn and get out of there. THEN he starts following us for awhile, but thank goodness it was traffic hour and I lost him weaving in and out of the cars. All while Sister Doig was on the phone with our Zone Leader, Sister Tolo praying, and Stacey, trying to keep her cool together. We then drove Stacey to a member's place to keep her safe. Oh man WHAT A RIDE. Haha then President had us for an interview to make sure we were alright and he just gave me a hug (which isn't allowed either but all goods it was needed) haha. President Back has been telling the whole mission our story haha.

Never a dull moment in Bankstown, but don't worry mom. I'm alive and healthy, but now I got a pretty good story to share from my mission!

Alofa atu

Sister Beck

-Trio for the last time, and SEVERAL photo bombers lol
-What a crazy week my poor soa had lol
-My family in Canberra! Tina Kalonihea (the one on the far right) has been telling me the ward is GROWING! Brought me so much joy I almost cried.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Everything is better in 3's, right?

I am blessed to be able to serve another transfer here in Bankstown and now with a third companion! President is going heaps crazy on us with him almost dying, so he's been doing some changes! Our third soa is Sister Tolo from American Samoa! She's about the tiniest Polynesian I have ever met and also THE sweetest! She hasn't been out long so we have triple greenie fire! Really stoked to work with her.

We have two investigators, Shirley and Tracy who are on date for April 22nd. They are quite interesting characters haha. I honestly don't understand them sometimes but every time we teach them, I feel the Spirit and I know they feel the Spirit, and all I can say is I'm so grateful the Spirit is the teacher because the Spirit speaks to everyone's understanding!

Guys can I just say I'm so blessed to be on a mission? I'm going to quote an Elder from his email, "Is this work? I magically get money. I magically get fuel for our vehicle" I get to testify of my Saviour and best friend Jesus Christ all day, and allow the Spirit to direct our path everyday. Is this work? Nope. It's crazy how much you really feel Heavenly Father by your side in his work. If you haven't read Alma 26 in awhile, read it. It pretty much sums up my mission life lol.  Verse 27, "our hearts were depressed and we were about to turn back...but the Lord comforted us and he said to bear with patience! I will give unto you success!" Never has a verse been so real to me then this one! Now let me ask you guys, sharing your testimony and helping someone's that work? Nah, it's an eternal work that God has sent us here to do in these last days. 

I love you guys! Life is pretty good.

Sister Beck

-Just call us Plastic Palagi's! 
-Our new soa!
-Mission conference awhile back

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

No time :(

HEAPS of stuff happened this week: Mission Tour with President Haleck of the Pacific Island area Presidency, Temple session with the zone today, transfers this weekend/Ward Conference (they have me playing the violin for sacrament, pray for me Mom), and our Polynesian Cultural night activity, Friday night. And yes all the Palangi missionaries WILL be dancing in it lol. We're doing a Hawaiian and Cook Island dance. Is it allowed? Good question, but President Back will be there! Lol. I'll send a video next week.

Anyways, heaps happening. No time. God speed, till next week!

Sister Beck

-My Afi, my aiga!
-Took the Beehives out door knocking with us! They loved it!
-FHE with the Tongamua's! We played dots where I got to draw all over my soa with lipstick. Hadn't laughed that hard in a long time.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Life in the Middle East

That's the missionary nickname for Bankstown because it's ALL Muslims, with the scarves for the women, dresses for the men and everything. It's pretty cool. Actually the Muslims here are way nicer to us than the Australians so it's chill. 

Last night we contacted a referral from Church Head Quarters named Abdul, he's from Sierra Leone, Africa and is Muslim. His wife and his family are all Christian, and they are just waiting for him to convert. Me and my companion think he's just waiting for the truth. He's kind of amazing. The whole family is also church hopping and also waiting to find the true church. Love it. I love teaching Africans. Apparently the Lord wants us bring in the Africans in Australia! We're working with 7 African investigators right now. It's pretty great, they're incredibly humble. 

A lot more has happened I just can't remember. That's what the missionary journal is for, right?? 

Alofa atu my familia!

Sister Beck 

-We bought Ayuen a CTR ring, she felt like a million bucks. This pic was her idea :)
-We made Sumpreet, our Less Active's son, a missionary nametag. He loved it so much he wore it to church with a nice white shirt and tie, OHHH MY LIFE it was adorable. 
-I promise he was a lot more excited than what it appears like.
-Stephanie made her way up to the temple!! President gave us permission again to watch her do baptisms :)
-Sister Barron brought her up, what a woman. She's my Uruguayan mom up here.