Sunday, June 25, 2017

Dapto is sunshine and rainbows!

A quick miracle story for you this week.

During weekly planning, Sister Chan was telling a random story about this family who she had met her first week here and they got bible bashed real bad. (Yous know how much i love bashers) Anyway she said the son is super nice and was really interested but the mum is the bible basher. She shared shared the whole story and then after she finished I said, "Is that the Marks family?" then she replied, "how did you know??" And then I said "I just read their teaching record like 5 minutes ago" and then we freaked out hahaha. The Spirit hit us both and that day we couldn't deny we were suppose to see them. So we went to visit them, TURNS OUT the mum is OUT OF TOWN!!! Yehaw. And we had a really good discussion with the son!! The spirit!!!! Ahhhh far out. She's out of town for a bit so we're gonna work quickly with him lol. He loves us lol, he's 27, and we have great YSA fellowship for him in the ward.

Also Kaufusi family, pray hard for them! We had a great lesson with the kids and they said they want to be baptized. Tihiani (the daughter) has been reading the childrens BOM and she loves it. I want to have a daughter just like her haha. Now it's up to the parents to bring them to church!

Love you guys!

Sister Beck

-Bush walk and ran into our Former investigators and they have baby cows!! They want us to come back and teach them and help them feed their cows. Aint mad about that.
-A painting our Recent Convert, Jessica did. SOOOOO GOOD

ALSO I've gained HEAPS hahaha. This is my mom (in the middle, Sister Uelese) and my new baby sister! I blend right in with the family, aye? :)

Monday, June 19, 2017

Short email, I made up for it last week, right?

Not enough time!  But here's some pics from your favorite sister missionary :)
--our little inappropriate service! Hahaha!  The DVDs were all messy so we were kind enough to put them all in alphabetical order.  Trunky or what?
--Everyday there's been a rainbow after a little storm and it just makes me really happy :)
--after some hardcare bowling

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Story time

Hey guys! Sorry, we had transfers but me and Chan the Man get to be together another transfer in Dapto!!!!!!! Yehaww!

Anyway, this was a great week. Like really great, haha. I know missionaries are suppose to be all positive and sometimes fake being positive (ahem me lol) but really this was a GREAT week.

We are working with about 4 part member families, and are striving to teach all of them the lessons. Every commitment we extend is church, to activate the less actives, and then teach the non members. One is the Mackies family (one of my FAVORITE FAMILIES). They are very much spiritually active but their problem is the daughter, Julie is very very sick. So they have to take care of her. She has muscle attacks and heart problems. But anyway our first meeting with them the nephew, Liam, the non member (who we are trying to work with) wasn't very receptive and didn't talk to us at all. Mind you he is a 16 year old boy trying to be cool haha .But he's never really responded well to missionaries coming over. But the second time we went over we teased him like a little brother and we laughed the whole night and actually had a lesson with him. THE SPIRIT IS SO POWERFUL. Would not be done with out it. We had a great discussion about baptism and going to church with the help of his very active Grandpa. So we left with high hopes of teaching him. Miracles. The next meeting with them we were having dinner and Julie, the daughter with health problems, had a muscle attack right at the dinner table and everything went crazy. They went to sit her on her chair, they did their regular routine of helping her through the attack (because apparently it happens every week) and I felt like we had to do something, help in some way. So I just held her hand and I felt prompted to ask her what her favorite color was. Ya I didn't even think, it just came out (later on that night when we were home, my companion told me she felt that same prompting to ask that question #TheSpirit). Anyway, she said blue, I asked what kind of blue? She said the sky. Then she started talking about how she would use to go on walks with her nephews to the beach and look at the clouds and the different shapes of them. She said that now she's to weak for that and is confined to her chair most days. I started crying aye. Haha. She did too. Then I asked if she liked nature and she said "very much", I responded , "do you like the hymn 'How Great Thou Art''?" She loves it. I asked her if she wanted me to sing it, yep this was all the Spirit. If anyone knows me I'm not one to volunteer myself to sing. But I did. And this was all during her attack, mind you. And when me and my companion sang, it was the ONLY thing that calmed her body down. Later her sister told us she was amazed how much peace came over Julie. And I said, "it's what the spirit directed". It was really cool to see the Spirit leading us from the question, "what's your favorite color" to that. I can testify to you that the Spirit works. And it literally heals bodies and the soul. And to always act on that first prompting. To not question it, but just do it. It's an experience I'll never forget. 

The Lord is in charge of this work, I know that to be true. If it was us missionaries, we would stuff it up haha. I'm grateful to be an instrument in his hands. 

Sorry for the LONG as email haha my bad. Don't blame yous if you don't read it all. Far out. Have a great week!

Sister Beck

-How we felt when we found out we were staying together another transfer....
-Nah jokes, how we actually felt!
-Elder Tuise's last Sunday EVER as a missionary so we wore Puli Tasi's (Samoan traditional dress) and we sang The Spirit of God in Samoan in church with us missionaries as the prelude.
-District Pday at the Blowhole in (google it, it's pretty cool) lighthouse.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Life is Good

We had President and Sister Back's last zone conference in their whole career this past week, since they are leaving July 1st. Me and Sister Chan were also their last interviews in the entire mission! It was pretty good aye, we had Zone Pday right after so our interviews were at the beach and me and President were just looking at the beautiful view with the mountains and the water. Ah man it was like a movie scene, aye! Like a Dad giving his daughter some advice about life. Some marriage advice, that was fun haha. Anyway his number one advice was to follow the spirit in all things. The mission has definitely taught me how to do that. And then right before we finished up the interview (I didn't want it to end so I just kept asking him for advice), like the wise, old Mr. Feeny once said on the last episode of Boy Meets World, he said "do good" I replied, "don't you mean do well?" "no, do good" hahahaha nah I'm joking, only my family will get that joke haha sorry. But President really did say, "do good" We walked back and President gave me a hug in front of all the missionaries, *cough* Pres. favorite *cough* hahah nah jokes. I love him, I know I was called to President and Sister Back, not just to Australia Sydney south mission. 

What else. OH! We picked up the African family investigators and met with the dad! They are fresh from Congo, their english isn't that good but that's okay. The spirit speaks all languages! They are too good, family of 10. AH love families. Every missionary's DREAM! 

Life is good guys, remember that! 

Sister Beck

-Comp study turned into picture time, kalofae, consecrated aye?
-I pranked my soa this week. While she was in the bathroom getting ready in the morning I switched her nametag to mine and she went the whole day being "Sister Beck" hahahah everyone kept asking her name and she said "Sister Chan" pointing to her nametag AND STILL DIDN'T NOTICE! Haha! People were so confused the whole day.
-Love President Back :)
-The family! Elder Paie, Elder Stott, me and Sister Chan
-You guys are so lucky aye with the summer haha. It's freezing down under! Who knew it could get so cold! Also wearing grandma's sweater :)

ZONE PDAY! We did a BBQ, some footy, touch, and soccer, and then a campfire! I didn't take my own photos so I'm borrowing some haha. The Zone Leaders were kind of useless and put me in charge so it was kind of a mess, but all goods! Everyone had fun!