Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sup kids

Heeyyyy its your Tahine Tonga just holla at you again this week! I know the fam is super busy with the 5th baby NOW here! Oh what the! Dang can our family be more blessed? Far out. I'll have a lot of catching up to do with meeting the new kiddos when i'm home!

This week was good aye, a bit slow because it's Flu season. But Sai pe i he hoodi! (All good in the hood, yep learned that one this week hahah). Nevertheless we had a heaps good lesson with Irie (the one on date next month) on the Plan of Salvation. Holy it was good. I always have the coolest experiences when I teach that lesson. He expressed how much he wants to be with his real mom forever. He also said he wants to serve a mission. To be honest, cried a bit when he said that. Haha blessings of the gospel aye? How good is life.

We also surprisingly picked up a new investigator from KENYA! (Can't get away from teaching those Africans!) Yup, and in the tongan ward haha. The fellowshipper who helped us with Tevita, let George (the Kenyan guy) stay with him. Aho (the fellowshipper) just has heaps of random people who need help stay with him. He's too good. But anyway, he's come to church twice and has started reading the Book of Mormon. What a blessing! They're in the works of getting his family here from Kenya to have a better life in Australia, then we might be able to teach his whole family.

Something that I've come to realize and love about the Tongans is that they truly will give you everything. They bleed, breath, and sweat true Christianity. They are the most Christ-like, selfless and loving people. It truly is a blessing to be serving them.

Ofa atu!

Sister Beck

-Irie, the man!
-My sisters at our Recent Convert Fireside!
-And my two mission mama's Sister Bingham, and Sister Uelese

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Hey Toko!

What's up famili. 

Another day another week in the other side of heaven in the beautiful Kingdom of Tonga.

Not much new, Tevita is still the man and pray his baptism will still happen this Saturday :)

Last night we met with one of our former investigator's Irie. He's a 17 year old kid, and adopted into one of our member's families the Masima's, I LOVE them. We had the best lesson with him and put him on date for the 24th of September. The best birthday gift for me :) He is also the man.

Welp, the food is too much for this palangi, I'm gaining heaps. What a blessing, my skin will be getting darker soon and I'll be full on Tongan when summer hits. 

Ofa atu mates.

Hurrah for Israel!

Sister Beck

-Went on tradeoff with this crazy Samoan girl, Sister Faleolo! I was with her in Bankstown when she first started in the mission, trained by my soa Sister Mariner. Went into the Samoan program with her and it felt like home a bit hahah.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Week 2 in the other side of Heaven

A couple of things:

1. The tongans are the best singers I have ever heard in my whole life. There spirits are so strong and that's how they like to express themselves, through singing. It's beautiful, like honestly they just yell out their songs and some how they sound like angels. I try to do the same thing but yeah, you can imagine how horrifying THAT is..

2. They will love love love you and call you Tongan if you eat all of their food haha. Honestly, that's how you earn their trust. So yeah probs won't recognize me when i'm home. Sorry bout that.

3. Our investigator Charley, and her LA partner came to church and 2 of our other progressing investigators came too! It was nice not being the only palangi at church hahahah!

4. Our investigator Tevita is STILL on date for the 19th :) The other day in our lesson, with tears in his eyes, he said "Sisters I'm just ready to be baptized" You can really see him changing in his countenance. I love how this gospel changes people and forms us to be more like the Saviour! Far out, love being a missionary.

I'll send heaps of pics to catch up on life! SHOUT OUT TO SPACE JAM ON BABY! Sorry Dallas on another birthday getting jipped hahahahah. That's Baby 3/5 left in the family haha! Let's go fam! I need a team of grandkids to do the tongan Haka when I'm home! 

Ofa lahi atu

Sister Beck

Flashback to Dapto: 
-Saying goodbye to the Kaufusi family!
-The next few are the Mackie family, yous all know how much I love them! And Liam was being a bum and wouldn't take a pic with us hahah
-Still a bum
-Brother Mackie :)
-Our last week in Dapto we had this giant poster of "The Prince of Peace" and we tried to talk to as many people as we could and challenged them to take a jumping pic with us and hold a Book of Mormon. We got HEAPS to do it! It was the funnest way to find people! It was a great ice breaker and we gave out like 40 Book of Mormons, which is really good for the bush hahah. 
-Soooo fun
-Ya girl out in action!
-Clear back in July 4th hahah, one of the sisters made this american flag cake just like Mama's!

Yep..I think that's it for Dapto! 

Fast forward to the present: